Map of song text: “Se Florindo è fedele”
For singers, the primary challenge is memorizing the words to a song – especially in a foreign language. Before her students begin learning a new song in a foreign language, Professor Jean Del Santo at the University of Minnesota instructs her students to (1) write out a literal, word-for-word translation of the text; (2) put the key words on a piece of paper; and (3) draw a picture representing each key word. (In this example, the feather is a symbol for tickling – or “teasing” – as suggested by the repetition of “m’innamorerò”.)
For singers, the primary challenge is memorizing the words to a song – especially in a foreign language. Before her students begin learning a new song in a foreign language, Professor Jean Del Santo at the University of Minnesota instructs her students to (1) write out a literal, word-for-word translation of the text; (2) put the key words on a piece of paper; and (3) draw a picture representing each key word. (In this example, the feather is a symbol for tickling – or “teasing” – as suggested by the repetition of “m’innamorerò”.)
Se Florindo è fedele
Italian Text: Se Florindo è fedele io m’innamorerò… Potrà ben l’arco tendere il faretrato arcier, Ch’io mi saprò difendere d’un guardo lusinghier. Preghi, pianti e querele, io non ascolterò Ma se sarà fedele io m’innamorerò… (etc) English Translation: If Florindo is faithful, I shall fall in love… However well the skillful archer draws the tender bow, I can defend myself from any alluring glance. Pleading, crying, and quarreling – I will not listen! But if he is faithful, I shall fall in love… (etc) |